Cover Reading the Bible through the eyes of Another

Door Gabriele Mayer en Bernhard Dinkelaker

This book marks an important step on an intercultural spiritual journey in the EMS fellowship of 28 churches and mission societies in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. It reflects on exciting and challenging experiences during a 15-year process of Reading the Bible through the Eyes of Another.
During three project periods, approximately 250 groups in 20 different countries teamed up. They aimed to exchange and share as intercultural pairs of partner groups on how biblical texts spoke into their respective lives.
Several international workshops in Africa, Asia and Europe provided opportunities for intensive personal encounters adopting various methods and approaches to learn from each other, to worship together, and to celebrate life in diversity. In 2018, a workshop in Bangalore, India, with participating scholars from various theological institutions in the EMS fellowship embarked on an effort to combine the participatory grassroots approach with academic reflection.

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  • Titel: Reading the Bible through the eyes of Another
  • Auteur: Gabriele Mayer en Bernard Dinkelaker
  • Publicatiejaar: 2019
  • Taal: Engels
  • ISBN paperback: 978 90 8883 035 8
  • Aantal pagina's: 148
  • Prijs paperback: EUR 12,-
  • Luxe editie: In kleur - alleen te bestellen bij EMS
  • ISBN luxe editie: 978 90 8883 033 4
  • Prijs luxe editie: EUR 15,-