Cover Down the hole again

Alice in Wonderland

Door Eveline Meijer

Once again Alice finds herself in Wonderland. Not only is she lost in the forest of the strange World that is Wonderland, there seems to be a big problem. The White Rabbit’s watch is stolen. If Alice can find the watch, the Wonderland creatures will take her home. A long journey, filled with lies, dangers and wonders begins.

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  • Titel: Down the hole again
  • Ondertitel: Alice in Wonderland
  • Auteur: Eveline Meijer
  • Publicatiejaar: 2014
  • Taal: Engels
  • ISBN paperback: 978 1495496455
  • Aantal pagina's: 92
  • Prijs paperback: EUR 8,-
  • ISBN e-book: 1230000513739
  • Prijs e-book: € 4,-