"Writing is my passion," wrote Sander Funcke on his website. For nine years, Sander posted poems, columns and an occasional story on his self-created website. On the home page was the logo shown on the right, with the text Met Hem op weg gaan – Mijn reis met de Eeuwige (Going with Him - My journey with the Eternal).
Sander wrote about himself:
I am Sander Funcke and I live in Bunnik. Together with my cat Sam I enjoy my nice apartment with garden. I am active in the Aloysius Church in Utrecht and work for the government.
I enjoy telling people about what inspires me in life. My faith plays a big role in that. I also have several skills that I like to use both in my job and in my volunteer work: analytical thinking, being able to have conversations with people, an eye for content and detail. These, too, I hope to bring out on my site
As the very first blog, the poem Door de donkere nacht (Through the Dark Night) was posted on April 11, 2011. The very last blog is the column Dichtbij Zijn hart (Close to His Heart), posted on June 20, 2020.
In July 2020, Sander passed away at the age of 38. As a tribute, the LKP Foundation (umbrella organization of the Christian LGBT movement) in which Sander was active has compiled his poems and columns.