Pauli Löija (b. 1965) has a master’s degree in theology and has worked in numerous different professions throughout his career, until he contracted bipolar disorder in 2006, due to which he received a permanent disability pension from the beginning of 2016. After suffering from multiple myeloma, he had to leave the last dreams of returning to work. Instead, he has been working voluntarily at the Clubhouse for Mental Health Rehabilitation in Helsinki since 2007, and as a trained expert-by-experience since 2015. Löija’s plays have been performed in Helsinki in 1992 and 2011. He published his first book in 2022 and his second in 2023. He is constantly working on new texts of different genres.
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Huonoja uutisia, hyviä hetkiä
Parantumattomaan syöpään sairastuneen elämää
Kesäkuussa 2019 ambulanssi kuljetti kipujen takia liikuntakyvyttömän Pauli Löijan sairaalaan, missä häneltä löydettiin selkärangasta syövän etäpesäkkeitä. Viikkoa myöhemmin paljastui diagnoosi: multippeli myelooma, parantumaton plasmasolusyöpä.
Rankat syöpähoidot aloitettiin heti ja vuoden lopulla tehtiin kantasolusiirto, minkä jälkeen jatkettiin lääkehoitoja. Lääkäri ei lupaillut moniakaan elinvuosia, mutta siitä huolimatta positiivinen asenne on kantanut Paulia eteenpäin, päivän kerrallaan.
Paulin tarina on kertomus elämästä vakavan sairauden kanssa. Siihen sisältyy paljon iloja, ystäviä, harrastuksia, syöpähoitoja, vesivahinko kotona ja korona-pandemia. Vastoinkäymisistä huolimatta hän on löytänyt jokaisesta päivästä kauniita ja iloisia asioita. Elämä jatkuu!
Original Finnish edition of the English book Bad News, Good Moments
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Kehnon miehen postilla
Armon sanoja armoa kaipaaville
A poor man's sermon collection - words of mercy for those who long for mercy: a book in Finnish that contains a short sermon for each holiday of the church year, 94 in total. Pauli Löija compares the biblical texts of different vintages, especially the gospel texts, and reflects on their message both through his personal experiences and in general with modern people in mind.
Löija finds discrepancies in the Gospels, but always the same congruence: in all the Gospels, Christ looks graciously at those who are considered inferior, who are oppressed, who are doors in the minority. It is to them, those who need mercy, that the words of mercy are spoken.
We don't understand anything about God, but He understands us, our weaknesses and shortcomings. It is good for us to stay there, close to the hidden God. You get to be just you, revered as the image of God as you are. You are loved by God.
Only in Finnish